Hypno Birth, Hypnobirthing, Gentlebirth, Gentle Birth


Orgasmic Birth

Sex is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you will get ... and is working! If only we could anticipate the birth of a child in the same way we face an unknown filling inside a delicious Bon-Bon Orgasmic Birth.

I did not know were possible childbirth orgasm, just a birth, and I was hooked on the power and strength to work. Most women are afraid of childbirth and expect the pain to go to him who evil Orgasmic Birth. Match the intensity of emotional pain to work, because we have developed a word. Generally, the word pain has admitted the injury because of our association is that the psychological damage. Photo Re-definition of work, it is important to enjoy this process Orgasmic Birth.

The parallel, otherwise the continuity of sexuality and childbirth are tested by biological process. Did you know that the same hormones involved in love are also involved in the delivery? Yes, yes, oxytocin (the hormone of love) and beta endorphin (opioid effects, such as hormones) are released during sexual activity and to work without interruption Orgasmic Birth.

I know it is a taboo in our culture, and women (at least good girls) should not be like sex, let alone be a fun part. Birth is a right way and it is possible for women to see the impact strength and faith that we have. I know that childbirth can seem like pure hell, but believe me, it’s the idea Orgasmic Birth.

As the top of a marathon runner to have a child (such as height) and can feel like a pure ecstasy, if we allow. Gender and work must be involved in this process. If you like and start thinking about clothes or shopping list, the procedure may lead to an element of the list of mechanical tasks. But if you allow yourself to forget your fears and simply be present in the pleasure, the experience has a very different effect. When all senses are involved, and you can reassure your pleasure online analysis of pain / tends to promote an orgasm. Although hormone levels and improves muscle uterine contractions during labor, the feeling is more intense, and therefore the line of pain, pleasure becomes blurred Orgasmic Birth.

I'm not saying that all women have an orgasm during childbirth or pleasure without hesitation (like a small proportion of women), but I say that it is a pain, but not hard. Generates power to tell the sex of the magical, and may be higher. A woman has no experience of childbirth, as it seems you’re here, like everything else is so insignificant in comparison Orgasmic Birth.

I had the opportunity to experience the raw power of my body, and opened the door for me sexual pleasure as it did before Orgasmic Birth. I urge you to review the possibility of practicing a dance of joy and pain perception. If not, we hope to make love!